牛黄 (niu huang) bull gall stone
解 (jie) disperse, diffuse
毒 (du) toxin
片 (pian) tablets
Xinjiang Chinese Medicine General Factory
Bezoar (牛黄 niu huang)
Realgar (雄黄 xiong huang)
Gypsum (石膏 shi gao)
Rhubarb root (大黄 da huang)
The Scutellaria root ( 黄芩 huang qin)
The root of platycodon (桔梗 jie geng)
Borneol (冰片 bing pian)
Licorice root (甘草 gan cao)
Heat cooling, detoxification.
Caused by internal accumulation of fire and heat inflammation and sore throat, inflammation and pain of the gums, ulceration in the mouth and tongue, swelling, hyperemia and eye pain.
Per os 2 pcs. 2—3 times a day.